Another Fast and Furious? Boooooooooooring.
Another superhero film? Seriously.... cmon.
How aboutan awesome adventure movie? Harrison Ford is getting too old.
Why can't we just have another cool WAR GAMES or EXPLORERS or LAST STARFIGHTER or hell, LAST DRAGON... Not a remake, not a reboot, something new and different.
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
Another Fast and Furious? Boooooooooooring.
Another superhero film? Seriously.... cmon.
How aboutan awesome adventure movie? Harrison Ford is getting too old.
And anything that seems out of the ordinary from the typical movie is probab made by netflix and has some underlying political theme regarding racism, transphobia, or right-wing hate.
Why can't we just have another cool WAR GAMES or EXPLORERS or LAST STARFIGHT or hell, LAST DRAGON... Not a remake, not a reboot, something new and different.
I had high hopes for Ready Player One because the book was decent but nope. think Sandler's Pixels was more fun.
Zombie Mambo
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
Zombie Mambo wrote to All <=-
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
Zombie Mambo wrote to All <=-
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
This is extremely sad, because when you compare modern Holywood action scenes with, say, action scenes from certain Thai directors, the Thai
ones are _better shot_ despite the fact their movies have a 5 dollar budget.
This is extremely sad, because when you compare modern Holywood action scenes with, say, action scenes from certain Thai directors, the Thai ones are _better shot_ despite the fact their movies have a 5 dollar budget.
Now you made me curious. I want a Thai action movie recommendation, right no
[...] These days, if a director wants to shot an action
scene, they give the camera to a monkey who suffers
Parkinson, so the audience gets to see not a thing of what
is going on.
At least, Fast and Furious movies are honest. They promise you fast cars, impossible stunts and just enough plot to sustain it, and they deliver. I am not a fan of the formula, but I respect that.
Hello Zombie;
Zombie Mambo wrote to All <=-
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
It's not just movies... look at some of the stuff on TV! Reboots of old shows... seriously? They're changing the characters too off base too.
... Join the army, travel, meet interesting people, and kill them
By the way, I watched John Wick recently, and it reminded me of what has bee lost.
It's funny tho because I do fall for it for other formulas of the same type. For example, I love the Bourne Movies, The Transporter Movies... Partially because you know what you're going to get but also because some of it is bas in somewhat reality. I do NOT however, like the Mission Impossible movies an that is odd because you would think it falls into that category I'd fall for
Big trouble in little china, how could you not like it.
By the way, I watched John Wick recently, and it reminded me of what has been lost.
The film is hardly revolutionary. It plays like a common action movie from the 90s, actually. However, the action scenes were _properly shot_, which is something almost nobody is doing anymore. These days, if a director wants to shot an action scene, they give the camera to a monkey who suffers Parkinson, so the audience gets to see not a thing of what is going on.
By: Arelor to Zombie Mambo on Sat Aug 07 2021 04:53 am
By the way, I watched John Wick recently, and it reminded me of what
bee lost.
I almost mentioned john wick in my recap in the other thread. I love
movies. Keanu is one of if not the worst actor of all time but I love him regardless...
It just works. Like transporter.
Big trouble in little china, how could you not like it.
I am going to totally destroy you with this, but here it comes:
**They are making a sequel of Big Trouble in Little China starring The Rock**
John Carpenter has already shunned the idea publicly, actually. He said that
Zombie Mambo wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
You got that right brother... i just saw an ad for a new Fantasy
Island. cmon.
The film is hardly revolutionary. It plays like a common action movie fro the 90s, actually. However, the action scenes were _properly shot_, which something almost nobody is doing anymore. These days, if a director wants shot an action scene, they give the camera to a monkey who suffers Parkinson, so the audience gets to see not a thing of what is going on.
so basically hollywood stopped stealing from south korean cinema and went to superhero movies.
This is extremely sad, because when you compare modern Holywood action scenes >with, say, action scenes from certain Thai directors, the Thai ones are _better
shot_ despite the fact their movies have a 5 dollar budget.
Quoting Ogg to Arelor <=-
I hate the jiggly hand-held camera technique that many serials
and some movies entertain. As soon as I see scenes shot in
hand-held manner with purposeful jiggly movement, I strike that
film off the list.
Same is with games. Far Cry 6, Assassin Creed (can't recall the number), Reb of Mass Effect, new Dragon Age... bleh..
IN gaming at least indie games and revival of retro tech based games is the place where youngsters innovate and corporate fat pigs can't bow down enough
I think we deserve similar thing in movies.
Re: state of movies
By: Zombie Mambo to All on Fri Aug 06 2021 01:58 pm
I know what you mean. Hollywood feels so bland and corporate nowdays! You mi have the occasional interesting film and here and there (I enjoyed the Sonic movie, for instance), but for the most part, it's just sequels and superhero films, most of which are by Disney, who are slowly absorbing the entire mark and monopolising.
That's why I turn to indie and films from other countries, because those sti have some semblence of orginality and interesting storytelling. Seeing how Parasite won the Best Picture Oscar last year, I can't be alone.
It's frustrating to me how Netflix is making the most original English-langu films, because I love the experience of going to the cinema, and hate the id of just streaming things, but it seems the latter is set to kill the former, and movie studios are partly to blame for churning out mediocre-at-best film
There is a cinema in the city I live in which pretty much exclusively shows classics and foreign films, and my and my friends really enjoy going there n and again, but obviously we haven't been able to recently because of COVID-19...
Funny you mention the Bourne movies, because they seem less formulaic than other franchises you have mentioned by orders of magnitude. However, I have feeling that every movie after the third should have been called "The Bourne Redundancy" because each film didn't add much to the Bourne universe IMO. T one about Outcome could have done but fell a bit short in my opinion.
I like Mission Impossible films, with the exception of the second, which suc
Re: state of movies
By: Zombie Mambo to Arelor on Sat Aug 07 2021 06:54 pm
Big trouble in little china, how could you not like it.
I am going to totally destroy you with this, but here it comes:
**They are making a sequel of Big Trouble in Little China starring The Rock*
John Carpenter has already shunned the idea publicly, actually. He said that they didn care for the first movie at all, that they just wanted a film wit The Rock and a recognizeable title in order to sell.
Or something like that.
Re: state of movies
By: Zombie Mambo to Arelor on Sat Aug 07 2021 06:54 pm
By: Arelor to Zombie Mambo on Sat Aug 07 2021 04:53 am
By the way, I watched John Wick recently, and it reminded me of what
bee lost.
I almost mentioned john wick in my recap in the other thread. I love
movies. Keanu is one of if not the worst actor of all time but I love him regardless...
It just works. Like transporter.
i think keanu is a good actor, he just doesn't have an amazing range. he's gene hackman, willem dafoe, ed norton, jack nicholson.
he's like a clint eastwood, tom cruise, denzel washington, morgan freeman.
he has stuff he's good at but he doesn't have an amazing gift for range, nor does he have the experience. it's probably due to his good looks. all he needed to do was look cute and brood. he didnt have to struggle.
i love the guy, though.
Zombie Mambo wrote to Arelor <=-
It's funny tho because I do fall for it for other formulas of the same type. For example, I love the Bourne Movies, The Transporter Movies... Partially because you know what you're going to get but also because
some of it is based in somewhat reality.
This is extremely sad, because when you compare modern Holywood action scen >with, say, action scenes from certain Thai directors, the Thai ones are _better
shot_ despite the fact their movies have a 5 dollar budget.
Although they don't fit the $5 budget theme, the 2 movies I have seen in
the cinema that I have enjoyed the most over the past 5-6 years were the Bahubali movies from India.
* SLMR 2.1a * The Word of the Day is "Legs." Spread the word.
Quoting Ogg to Arelor <=-
I hate the jiggly hand-held camera technique that many serials
and some movies entertain. As soon as I see scenes shot in
hand-held manner with purposeful jiggly movement, I strike that
film off the list.
Agreed. Makes me sea-sick. Buy a tripod already! LOL I don't like the
effect at all, I don't think it brings ANYTHING artistically to the
film. Just makes me sick and looks dumb.
... Null modems were created when God got no handshake.
___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30
I will politely disagree. There'sa huge difference in Morgan Freeman, for example. And keanu reeves. One could argue they are easy to identify and basically just themseleves in every movie, but freeman is believable. reeves is not. For example, nothing keanu ever does will rise to the status of
Another Fast and Furious? Boooooooooooring.I find the entire FF franchise irritating.
Another superhero film? Seriously.... cmon.I loved the last 10 years of Marvel films. I'm looking forward to what they're going to release next, but I'm keeping my expectations low. DC films, on the other hand, have been really nothing but disappointement after disappointment, with very few exceptions.
How aboutan awesome adventure movie? Harrison Ford is getting too old.
And anything that seems out of the ordinary from the typical movie is probably made by netflix and has some underlying political theme regarding racism, transphobia, or right-wing hate.
Why can't we just have another cool WAR GAMES or EXPLORERS or LAST STARFIGHTER or hell, LAST DRAGON... Not a remake, not a reboot, something new and different.
I had high hopes for Ready Player One because the book was decent but nope. I think Sandler's Pixels was more fun.
[...] These days, if a director wants to shot an action
scene, they give the camera to a monkey who suffers
Parkinson, so the audience gets to see not a thing of what
is going on.
I hate the jiggly hand-held camera technique that many serials
and some movies entertain. As soon as I see scenes shot in
hand-held manner with purposeful jiggly movement, I strike that
film off the list.
I dunno, what a lot of people see as "woke" films many other people see as "representation". I, as a straight, white guy can really turn on any movie TV show and find a character that I identify with. "Hey, that guy has had similar experiences in life that I have, I get that!"
Have you seen the ads for the reboot of "The Wonder Years"? That's even worse! At least I can enjoy the eye candy of the babe in Fantasy Island lol
Re: Re: state of movies
By: hollowone to Arelor on Sat Aug 07 2021 09:45 pm
This is extremely sad, because when you compare modern Holywood acti scenes with, say, action scenes from certain Thai directors, the Tha ones are _better shot_ despite the fact their movies have a 5 dollar budget.
Now you made me curious. I want a Thai action movie recommendation, right
Two I can recommend from the top of my head are Ong-Bak and The Protector. B star Tony Jaa.
Expect no groundgreaking plots and no groundbreaking characters. The martial arts in them, however, are freaking amazing. After watching the making offs realized the director is a freaking genious. That guy can shoot a chase scen in an alley 10 meters long and make it look like the chase ran through the whole city.
The Protector in particular has some fight scenes that are taken in ONE FUCK SHOT WORTH MANY MINUTES OF BEATING PEOPLE. Imagine a scene in which the hero enters a building from ground level and works his way to the top beating everybody in his way, while the camera follows the onslaught, and there is n single cut until the hero reaches the very top.
I cannot honestly say these are great movies, but hell, they do a lot of thi right that modern action films just don't.
Then watch 1985's The Protector with Jackie Chan.
Zombie Mambo
Although they don't fit the $5 budget theme, the 2 movies I have seen in the cinema that I have enjoyed the most over the past 5-6 years were the Bahubali movies from India.
Do you want to share which movies they were? I am always hunting for weird things to watch :-)
Have you seen the ads for the reboot of "The Wonder Years"? That's even worse! At least I can enjoy the eye candy of the babe in Fantasy Island lol
Re: state of movies
By: Cobradile to Zombie Mambo on Sat Aug 07 2021 04:21 pm
Re: state of movies
By: Zombie Mambo to All on Fri Aug 06 2021 01:58 pm
I know what you mean. Hollywood feels so bland and corporate nowdays! You mi have the occasional interesting film and here an
there (I enjoyed the Sonic movie, for instance), but for the most part, it's just sequels and superhero films, most of which
by Disney, who are slowly absorbing the entire mark and monopolising.
That's why I turn to indie and films from other countries, because those sti have some semblence of orginality and interestin
storytelling. Seeing how Parasite won the Best Picture Oscar last year, I can't be alone.
It's frustrating to me how Netflix is making the most original English-langu films, because I love the experience of going to
the cinema, and hate the id of just streaming things, but it seems the latter is set to kill the former, and movie studios ar
partly to blame for churning out mediocre-at-best film
There is a cinema in the city I live in which pretty much exclusively shows classics and foreign films, and my and my friend
really enjoy going there n and again, but obviously we haven't been able to recently because of COVID-19...
I share all of these sentiments with you. I just replied to Hollowone almost exactly what you said. I think people in their 40s
50s are really feeling the loss. Those who never had it don't understand it and when they get a taste of it they go nuts for it.
Its why we in the 80s were so hooked on the 50s.
Funny that a move named Parasite wins awards when the original Parasite was junk yet so cool because it was in 3D !!!
Zombie Mambo
Re: state of movies
By: Zombie Mambo to MRO on Sun Aug 08 2021 01:18 pm
I will politely disagree. There'sa huge difference in Morgan Freeman, fo example. And keanu reeves. One could argue they are easy to identify and basically just themseleves in every movie, but freeman is believable. ree is not. For example, nothing keanu ever does will rise to the status of
freeman is the same dude in every movie. he has no range. he just uses the same bag of tricks.
he is better than it than keanu, but still. no range.
with keanu there's something weird like the guy has no soul or there's something seriously wrong with the guy and it's bleeding through.
it's like he cant be human on film.
There was an original Parasite film? I didn't know the Oscar winning one was remake?
Zombie Mambo wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
OMG. I will only watch if they bring back the original winnie cooper.
Dumas Walker wrote to BRIAN ROGERS <=-
They are rebooting TWY, too? Where?
Zombie Mambo wrote to DaiTengu <=-
Gotta have a semi-oddly hot white girl in there as a hacker too, but
not a black girl because societ hasn't accepted them as hacker material yet.
Zombie Mambo wrote to DaiTengu <=-
Gotta have a semi-oddly hot white girl in there as a hacker too, but not a black girl because societ hasn't accepted them as hacker material yet.
Mr. Robot had the Hot Mess HackerGirl(tm), but included a female Muslim hacker, too. Nice touch.
... The strongest steel is forged in the fires of a dumpster.
At least I can enjoy the eye candy of the babe in Fantasy
Island lol
Ogg wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I get regular OTA tv here, and that show is on the main (the
one with the best reception) channel once a week. After having
seen about 3 of the shows now, I'm tuning out. First of all,
Ms Roarke's articulation of the english language is sloppy.
Granted, I can find a foreign accent on a beautiful woman to be
sexy and appealing. But it's not working in the format of that
show. Second, the show is turning into more of a preachy thing
about human behaviour.
Ogg wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
sexy and appealing. But it's not working in the format of that
show. Second, the show is turning into more of a preachy thing
about human behaviour.
[...] Second, the show is turning into more of a preachy
thing about human behaviour.
I want to go onto the retro TV channels on Roku and see if
I can see the original pilot with Ricardo Montalban. If
memory serves, he was a little crazy and gave people the
fantasies they needed, not the ones they wanted.
[...] I don't have any interest to watch a black kevin
arnold inthe reboot of the wonder years. Had that been
what the original character was that'd be one thing but
characters don't change races for a reboot... sorry.
The original was.. well.. original. "The plane! The Plane!"
started to drive me crazy.
Ogg wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I hear ya with the woke or culturally inclusive approach to
reboots. Why isn't it equally fair to have a white person play
the part of an original indigenous character in an indigenous
story, as it is when they are placing black characters in the
roles of orignal stories that were clearly written and invented
with white people in mind?
The new Fantasy Island has the niece of the original Roarke. He
was Mexican. The new Roarke is an actress with a Puerto Rican
background - close enough! LOL
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Ogg <=-
I want to go onto the retro TV channels on Roku and see if I can see
the original pilot with Ricardo Montalban. If memory serves, he was a little crazy and gave people the fantasies they needed, not the ones
they wanted.
I hear ya with the woke or culturally inclusive approach to
reboots. Why isn't it equally fair to have a white person play
the part of an original indigenous character in an indigenous
story, as it is when they are placing black characters in the
roles of orignal stories that were clearly written and invented
with white people in mind?
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
I hear ya with the woke or culturally inclusive approach to
reboots. Why isn't it equally fair to have a white person play
the part of an original indigenous character in an indigenous
story, as it is when they are placing black characters in the
roles of orignal stories that were clearly written and invented
with white people in mind?
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
And also Airplane!, or Blazing Saddles..
Ogg wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
sexy and appealing. But it's not working in the format of that
show. Second, the show is turning into more of a preachy thing
about human behaviour.
I want to go onto the retro TV channels on Roku and see if I can see the original pilot with Ricardo Montalban. If memory serves, he was a little crazy and gave people the fantasies they needed, not the ones they wanted.
... Discard an axiom
Brian Rogers wrote to Ogg <=-
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if
it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
Nightfox wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
And also Airplane!, or Blazing Saddles..
Blazing Saddles... funny af! They already clipped out the scenes in Airplane! and the sequal where Barbara Billingsly was talking jive to the two gentlemen and translating to the airline staff. That too was funny af but people take it so far out of context which is quite sad.
That is a different point though, the original point dealing with the Wonder Years I strongly disagree with. Redoing the wonder years in the same year w a white cast would have been uninteresting. Move the year to the 90's or us a black cast shows a whole new perspective. I saw the actor that plays the "Kevin Arnold" and he was in tears talking about how excited he was to play positive black role and that experience. Makes a lot of sense to me and way more interesting.
Dr. What wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How about "Blazing Saddles" today.
Nightfox wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
There's also the scene where the 2 kids are talking and the girl says
how she likes her coffee..
And the scene where the airplane pilot is
asking the boy suggestive questions..
The Lizard Master wrote to Nightfox <=-
That is a different point though, the original point dealing with the Wonder Years I strongly disagree with. Redoing the wonder years in the same year with a white cast would have been uninteresting.
Move the
year to the 90's or using a black cast shows a whole new perspective.
I saw the actor that plays the new "Kevin Arnold" and he was in tears talking about how excited he was to play a positive black role and that experience. Makes a lot of sense to me and way more interesting.
Arelor wrote to The Lizard Master <=-
Recasting is about making a political statement, not about making art.
My stance about remakes is well known anyway. Most of the time they
take a movie that was good and remake it because they think they can improve it. They fail more often than not.
If you take a masterpiece (say, the original Robocop) and try to make a new version, it is very hard for you to make one that is _better_.
And you can cast a black Robocop for the remake, but it does not change the fact that you are competing against a masterpiece and chances are
you will fall short. Specially if you are bent on making politics
instead of art.
Not just reboots but even sequals. One thing they teach you when doing comedy on the radio is: never ever try to out-do your original punch line because you'll make bo
that and your new one fail. Wait for the next talk
up and then do a new joke.
[...] An example of a good reboot is the Connors... and
even that show changed it's name due to Roseanne wigging
out with the mouth pollution.
When you mention the name "Kevin Arnold" I think of Fred Savage. He just happens to be one particular race. Had another actor of another race played the original Kevin Arnold it'd be a different story... at least for me. I'm probably the least racist person you'd ever meet.
Arelor wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I think sequels are problematic for other reasons.
The main problem with sequels is that, usually, the original was successful because it was built on some original concept. That concept
was what made the film good, however, by the end of the film the
concept is spent.
If you want to make a sequel, you cannot recycle the concept and expect
it to carry the whole movie forward, because the concept has been
already spent. You need the sequel to bring something new forth, to sustain itself on a different idea. And usually, they fail to make the
new idea as compelling as the original idea was.
Ogg wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I thought it was a harsh termination based on silly one-time
remark "she looks like a monkey" towards some political
character, or something like that.
There are millions of people, including late night talk-show
hosts and commedians spewing much more vile, vitriol, animal
comparisons, every day towards politicians and nothing happens
to them.
The Lizard Master wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Fred Savage is directing it. It's an interesting take.
Move the
year to the 90's or using a black cast shows a whole new perspective.
I saw the actor that plays the new "Kevin Arnold" and he was in tears talking about how excited he was to play a positive black role and that experience. Makes a lot of sense to me and way more interesting.
With a comedy it's a bit easier. Another series would be Star Wars, Star Trek Police Acadamy (to
point) where there's sequals... but again that's the
deep exception not at all the rule.
Move the
year to the 90's or using a black cast shows a whole new perspective.
I saw the actor that plays the new "Kevin Arnold" and he was in tears talking about how excited he was to play a positive black role and that experience. Makes a lot of sense to me and way more interesting.
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line?
IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time line
to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact copy of, the original, I could get into it.
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line?
IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time line
to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact copy of, the original, I could get into it.
Arelor wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Star Wars is a different story.
First of all, I would not consider the movies in each trilogy a sequel
to its predecessor. The Star Wars movies were conceived as a series. Series work as a unit that tell a cohesive story. I think of the
trologies as megafilms composed of three films each (the same way I consider the Baahubali series I reviewed earlier a single megamovie).
Now, if you are comparing the original trilogy against the first
prequel trilogy they made, things change a bit.
They sort of pulled it off because the original trilogy tells the story
of the fall of Darth Vader, and the prequel tells the story of the ascension of Darth Vader. They are different yet similar things that
work together. Sort off. Still I am not very fond of the prequel
because it feels a bit dumber in general.
I know nothing of the others because I jumped ship rather than face the impending decline of the franchise.
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line? IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time line to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact copy of, the original, I could get into it.
did you ever see the wonder years? the timeline was in the past.
what would you call it if it was more recent? today's shitty years?
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line? IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time line to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact copy of, the original, I could get into it.
They did not shift the time line, I was just throwing that out as an example o
something they might have considered.
BRIAN ROGERS wrote to OGG <=-
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if
it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
And also Airplane!, or Blazing Saddles..
There's also the scene where the 2 kids are talking and the girl says
how she likes her coffee.. And the scene where the airplane pilot is asking the boy suggestive questions..
And the scene where the airplane pilot is
asking the boy suggestive questions..
A few of those questions I disagreed with and didn't find that funny anyway, and I'm sure there's others who agree. They didn't really fit into the plot and could be removed without affecting the movie's flow.
Dumas Walker wrote to THE LIZARD MASTER <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Move the
year to the 90's or using a black cast shows a whole new perspective.
I saw the actor that plays the new "Kevin Arnold" and he was in tears talking about how excited he was to play a positive black role and that experience. Makes a lot of sense to me and way more interesting.
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line? IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time
line to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact
copy of, the original, I could get into it.
So it is also set in the late 1960's - early 1970's? Good luck getting younger folks to watch.
I'd like to see a "Wonder Years" made about the 90s, though in reality they'll stuff it up and make it 'woke'.
I'm not sure the changes from the 90s to the 20s are as significant as the changes from the 60s to the 90s.
Re: The Wonder Years
By: Dumas Walker to THE LIZARD MASTER on Mon Sep 20 2021 04:01 pm
So it is also set in the late 1960's - early 1970's? Good luck getting younger folks to watch.
Yeah, I think a timeline shift was needed. We will see though.
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I think it and Blazing Saddles just simply wouldn't be made
today. And I think they are both hilarious!
But that's the whole point - they were so non sequitor. :-) And Joey didn't even pay attention, so you could say it's a statement on how
kids don't actually pick up on 'adult conversation.' :-)
I have seen previews of the show. Did they also shift the time line? IMHO, the original show is roughly 30 years old... shifting the time li to more recent might make it more relevant to today's audience.
I thought it looks promising. If it is similar to, but not an exact co of, the original, I could get into it.
did you ever see the wonder years? the timeline was in the past.
what would you call it if it was more recent? today's shitty years?
Yes, every episode at least once. It was set about 15 or so years in the pas when it aired. What I meant was to shift it to more recent than c1970, like 15 or so years from now, maybe c1990-95. If it is set around 1970, I am not sure it will find as big an audience with anyone much younger than me
(early 50's).
* SLMR 2.1a * Sushi: known to the rest of the world as 'Bait'
Re: The Wonder Years
By: The Lizard Master to Dumas Walker on Tue Sep 21 2021 09:18 am
Re: The Wonder Years
By: Dumas Walker to THE LIZARD MASTER on Mon Sep 20 2021 04:01 pm
So it is also set in the late 1960's - early 1970's? Good luck gettin younger folks to watch.
Yeah, I think a timeline shift was needed. We will see though.
i dont think people want to see a black family on tv unless they are stereot es.
too bad the cos was drugging women and swinging his dick in their mouths.
Re: Re: state of movies
By: JIMMY ANDERSON to NIGHTFOX on Mon Sep 20 2021 10:08 pm
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
I'd like to see a "Wonder Years" made about the 90s, though in reality they'll
stuff it up and make it 'woke'.
I'm not sure the changes from the 90s to the 20s are as significant as the changes from the 60s to the 90s.
show came out where the stories were based on stuff he recorded as a kid on his parent's camcorder. The show was about the late 80's/early 90's however it didn't have that same magic as Wonder Years did.
You must not have seen the series "Black-ish." It ran for seven years, and dealt with an upper class black family who didn't fit the stereotype.
Re: Re: state of movies
By: Nightfox to JIMMY ANDERSON on Tue Sep 21 2021 08:41 am
Re: Re: state of movies
By: JIMMY ANDERSON to NIGHTFOX on Mon Sep 20 2021 10:08 pm
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane films
MRO wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: The Wonder Years
By: Boraxman to Dumas Walker on
Tue Sep 21 2021 05:08 pm
I'd like to see a "Wonder Years" made about the 90s, though in reality they'll stuff it up and make it 'woke'.
I'm not sure the changes from the 90s to the 20s are as significant as the changes from the 60s to the 90s.
that sounds like fun. but didnt they do that with the rosanne show
sans rosanne.
maybe they can have a family and the boy wants to be a girl and dresses like one. maybe all of the kids can be like that and have hormone injections.
Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-they'll
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
I'd like to see a "Wonder Years" made about the 90s, though in reality
stuff it up and make it 'woke'.
I'm not sure the changes from the 90s to the 20s are as significant as the changes from the 60s to the 90s.
That is sort of where I was going. If they are targeting people who
can remember the late 1960's, their audience is going to be much
smaller than those who can remember the 1990's.
I half expect they will stuff it up, even being set in the late '60's,
and make it "woke." I hope not but we will see.
Moondog wrote to Nightfox <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: Nightfox to JIMMY ANDERSON
on Tue Sep 21 2021 08:41 am
Re: Re: state of movies
By: JIMMY ANDERSON to NIGHTFOX on Mon Sep 20 2021 10:08 pm
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
maybe they can have a family and the boy wants to be a girl and dresses like one. maybe all of the kids can be like that and have hormone injections.
And a blonde wife with a black husband, because that is so edgy and would trigger the conservatives you know.
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane films
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
i dont think nightfox would get that type of comedy. he takes everything literal.
Ahh, the Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movies. My favourite comedies. Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Airplane in my opinion is the best comedy movie I've ever seen.
Boraxman wrote to Moondog <=-
Ahh, the Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movies. My favourite comedies.
Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Quoting Dumas Walker to The Lizard Master <=-
So it is also set in the late 1960's - early 1970's? Good luck
getting younger folks to watch.
Re: The Wonder Years
By: Moondog to MRO on Tue Sep 21 2021 07:56 pm
You must not have seen the series "Black-ish." It ran for seven years, a dealt with an upper class black family who didn't fit the stereotype.
nope never heard of it. and it looks like it had several actors i liked.
it got canceled because of bad ratings.
i'll download and episode and see what it's like.
i'll download and episode and see what it's like.
Seven seasons is still a good run. Some shows never make it past the 15 episode test run.
Brian Rogers wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Hello Boraxman;
Boraxman wrote to Moondog <=-
Ahh, the Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movies. My favourite comedies.
Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Police Squad! In Color! wasn't a movie series, it was a 30 minute TV series to which it only lasted 6 episodes. Worth watching though!
Nightfox wrote to MRO <=-
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: MRO to Moondog on Tue
Sep 21 2021 09:33 pm
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
i dont think nightfox would get that type of comedy. he takes everything literal.
That's actually some of my favorite type of comedy. Airplane and Naked Gun are some of my favorite movies.
The producers of Airplane also made Top Secret and Hot Shots, which are
a couple other of my favorite comedy movies.
I miss movies like that.. Seems like they don't make movies with that kind of humor anymore.
If you think I don't get that humor, I don't think you know me very
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
I think what I liked about them, and what you don't find much, is they didn't take themselves seriously. They were wacky, but very much so. For example, in Airplane they say "light the runway" or something like that, and you see someone dump lamps on to it. They would do anything for a visual gag, it didn't have to concord with reality or have any continuity. The gags were thrown in just for laughs.
Comedies now are more, well, conservative. Some are 'screwball', but they kind of still take themselves too seriously. Modern Family I think is a good example. It tries to be quirky, but it just ends up being characters with particular mannerisms and affectations. There are some modern shows which I think still have this element, Family Guy is one, where something completely wacky will happen for a gag, though that show tends to overplay it a little. Malcom in the Middle, maybe, but I can't think of many or any movies like that. It seems there is too much concern about things making sense, about conforming with reality.
Boraxman wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I'll have to try and find it then! I knew it was a series, but I'm a little surprised it was only 6 episodes. That might explain how it was that I missed it then. You often can find episodes of shows on
YouTube, otherwise I'm happy to buy a boxed DVD set. You can't go
wrong with ZAZ comedies from that era.
Brian Rogers wrote to Ogg <=-
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if
it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
Nightfox wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
And also Airplane!, or Blazing Saddles..
Nightfox wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
There's also the scene where the 2 kids are talking and the girl says
how she likes her coffee.. And the scene where the airplane pilot is asking the boy suggestive questions..
I've seen depictions of the 80s today and it is different to how it actually was. Synthwave is a good example. OBviously 80's inspired, but actually very
little like anything from the 80s.
So it is also set in the late 1960's - early 1970's? Good luck
getting younger folks to watch.
Not all entertainment needs to be geared toward the "younger folks" We
old folks like to be entertained too. :-)
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received
if it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
"What's a phone book?"
Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Police Squad! In Color! wasn't a movie series, it was a 30 minute TV
series to which it only lasted 6 episodes. Worth watching though!
I'll have to try and find it then! I knew it was a series, but I'm a little surprised it was only 6 episodes. That might explain how it was that I missed it then. You often can find episodes of shows on YouTube, otherwise I'm happy to buy a boxed DVD set. You can't go wrong with ZAZ comedies from that era.
I haven't seen Modern Family. I actually haven't seen a whole lot of TV these days, but there are some shows these days that I like. I've seen a
The Orville is a newer show that I like. It's created by Seth Macfarlane, who also made Family Guy, so I think it has some of the same type of humor. I like the wacky humor on the show. One of my favorite episodes was when they discovered a time capsule from the early 21st century (The Orville is set in the 2400s). One thing they discover from the time capsule is cigarettes, and a couple of the characters (Bortus and Clyden) start smoking, for comedic effect. The scene with Bortus casually smoking a cigarette on the bridge was one of the funny moments..
"What's a phone book?"A book of.. phones? Oh wait...
maybe they can have a family and the boy wants to be a girl and dresses
like one. maybe all of the kids can be like that and have hormone
And a blonde wife with a black husband, because that is so edgy and would trigger the conservatives you know.
On 9/21/2021 11:52 PM, Boraxman wrote:
maybe they can have a family and the boy wants to be a girl and dresses >> like one. maybe all of the kids can be like that and have hormone
And a blonde wife with a black husband, because that is so edgy and would trigger the conservatives you know.
Most conservatives I know wouldn't give a damn. Are there racists out
there? Absolutely. The fact is every political party has them, and they
come in all shapes and colors.
Nightfox wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: Boraxman to Nightfox on
Thu Sep 23 2021 05:45 pm
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
I think what I liked about them, and what you don't find much, is they didn't take themselves seriously. They were wacky, but very much so. For example, in Airplane they say "light the runway" or something like that, and you see someone dump lamps on to it. They would do anything for a visual gag, it didn't have to concord with reality or have any continuity. The gags were thrown in just for laughs.
Yes, I think that's what made those movies great. Also in Airplane,
when they're taking off: "You have clearance, Clarence." "Roger, Roger.
What's our vector, Victor?" It's full of gags.
There's little things here and there in those movies too. In Hot
Shots, there's a scene where it shows the name of a ship written on the side of the ship, which is the SS Essess.
Comedies now are more, well, conservative. Some are 'screwball', but they kind of still take themselves too seriously. Modern Family I think is a good example. It tries to be quirky, but it just ends up being characters with particular mannerisms and affectations. There are some modern shows which I think still have this element, Family Guy is one, where something completely wacky will happen for a gag, though that show tends to overplay it a little. Malcom in the Middle, maybe, but I can't think of many or any movies like that. It seems there is too much concern about things making sense, about conforming with reality.
I haven't seen Modern Family. I actually haven't seen a whole lot of
TV these days, but there are some shows these days that I like. I've
seen a couple episodes of Family Guy and thought it was funny, but I
think I'd agree it might overplay things a little.
The Orville is a newer show that I like. It's created by Seth
Macfarlane, who also made Family Guy, so I think it has some of the
same type of humor. I like the wacky humor on the show. One of my favorite episodes was when they discovered a time capsule from the
early 21st century (The Orville is set in the 2400s). One thing they discover from the time capsule is cigarettes, and a couple of the characters (Bortus and Clyden) start smoking, for comedic effect. The scene with Bortus casually smoking a cigarette on the bridge was one of the funny moments..
Nightfox wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: poindexter FORTRAN to Brian
Rogers on Fri Sep 17 2021 07:49 am
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received
if it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
"What's a phone book?"
A book of.. phones? Oh wait...
Most conservatives I know wouldn't give a damn. Are there racists out
there? Absolutely. The fact is every political party has them, and they
come in all shapes and colors.
From an image I recently found on the Internet:
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism."
The Orville is a newer show that I like. It's created by Seth
Never heard of that show, but I'll keep an eye out. Seth McFarlane is quite talented.
you cant get rid of racism by saying no. you have to ignore it. giving it attention gives it strength. ignore it into obscurity.
Re: Re: The Wonder Years
By: Arelor to Tracker1 on Fri Sep 24 2021 03:06 am
From an image I recently found on the Internet:
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism
you cant get rid of racism by saying no. you have to ignore it. giving it attention gives it strength. ignore it into obscurity.
Re: Re: The Wonder Years
By: MRO to Arelor on Fri Sep 24 2021 09:05 am
you cant get rid of racism by saying no. you have to ignore it. giving it attention gives it strength. ignore it into obscurity.
That's what I've been thinking more and more.. It seems that by talking about racism, we keep bringing attention to it, and racism keeps being a thing.
Well, I found then image hillarious. It implies that if you are "Black" or "Yellow" you are not a normal person.
They posted it at a Spanish website and the comments were golden. My favourite was:
"Thank God we normal people are slowly learning to treat those dreadful multicolored scumbags as humans."
Arelor wrote to Tracker1 <=-
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism."
"What's a phone book?"
MRO wrote to Tracker1 <=-
i judge people by the content of their character, not the color of
their skin. we should get rid of these destructive labels.
Arelor wrote to Tracker1 <=-
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism."
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: The Wonder Years
By: Arelor to Tracker1 on
Fri Sep 24 2021 03:06 am
From an image I recently found on the Internet:
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism."
you cant get rid of racism by saying no. you have to ignore it. giving
it attention gives it strength. ignore it into obscurity.
you cant get rid of racism by saying no. you have to ignore it. giving it attention gives it strength. ignore it into obscurity.
I don't think it is that simple. Humans by nature are tribal. You can choose to ignore yours, but you'll be in a weaker position with regards to those who don't ignore theirs.
... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
Is it me or are movies just completely boring now?
Another Fast and Furious? Boooooooooooring.
Another superhero film? Seriously.... cmon.
How aboutan awesome adventure movie? Harrison Ford is getting too old.
And anything that seems out of the ordinary from the typical movie is probably made by netflix and has some underlying political theme regarding racism, transphobia, or right-wing hate.
Why can't we just have another cool WAR GAMES or EXPLORERS or LAST STARFIGHTER or hell, LAST DRAGON... Not a remake, not a reboot, something new and different.
I had high hopes for Ready Player One because the book was decent but nope. I think Sandler's Pixels was more fun.
Zombie Mambo
þ Synchronet þ +-=[ The Zombie Zone BBS * ]=-+
The Millionaire wrote to Zombie Mambo <=-
I would have to agree. The new movies are getting boring. I think Hollywood has run out of gas it seems. It's all about quantity not
quality like it used to be.
$ The Millionaire $
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: JIMMY ANDERSON to NIGHTFOX on Mon Sep 20 2021 10:08 pm
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
I think it and Blazing Saddles just simply wouldn't be made
today. And I think they are both hilarious!
People today have forgotten how to laugh at themselves which is an important thing to survive in today's world. After all if you can't
laugh at yourself you have no business laughing at others.
But that's the whole point - they were so non sequitor. :-) And Joey didn't even pay attention, so you could say it's a statement on how
kids don't actually pick up on 'adult conversation.' :-)
Back then perhaps but in today's school "literature", they teach young teens and tweens about things such as homosexuality and anal sex. I
always thought those were things that would land you in prison - not today... but you can't use that sort of humor in movies.
... Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
The Naked Gun movies were based off it. Same gag humor as Airplane
Ahh, the Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movies. My favourite comedies.
Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Airplane in my opinion is the best comedy movie I've ever seen.
NIGHTFOX wrote to <=-
That's actually some of my favorite type of comedy. Airplane and Naked Gun are some of my favorite movies.
The producers of Airplane also made Top Secret and Hot Shots, which are
a couple other of my favorite comedy movies.
I miss movies like that.. Seems like they don't make movies with that kind of humor anymore.
It makes you wonder how Steve Martin's "The Jerk" would be received if
it was a new movie out in the theaters today...
"What's a phone book?"
And also Airplane!, or Blazing Saddles..
The clean version of Blazing Saddles is missing every racial slur, the farting around the campfire scene (they kept the scene and removed the sound, so they all sort of lift one leg and sit back down, silently)
And, worst of all, changed the name of Lily Von Schtupp! She's Lily Von Sht<silence> on the broadcast version. Must be a german on the FCC
It's a nice watch, clocks in at around 11 minutes.
ARELOR wrote to TRACKER1 <=-
From an image I recently found on the Internet:
"It does not matter if you are black, yellow, or normal. Say no to racism."
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
Was only 6 episodes, and done by the same guys that did Airplane.
The public just didn't get it... Was too dry...
The producers of Airplane also made Top Secret and Hot Shots, which
are a couple other of my favorite comedy movies.
I miss movies like that.. Seems like they don't make movies with
that kind of humor anymore.
The Scary Movie series was okay, but didn't quite get to the same level...
Yep - people just want to get offended now.
Did you ever watch Police Squad! In Color!
I've hard of it, but I haven't seen it.
Was only 6 episodes, and done by the same guys that did Airplane.
The public just didn't get it... Was too dry...
I heard the Naked Gun movies were based on Police Squad.
The producers of Airplane also made Top Secret and Hot Shots, which
are a couple other of my favorite comedy movies.
I miss movies like that.. Seems like they don't make movies with
that kind of humor anymore.
The Scary Movie series was okay, but didn't quite get to the same level...
I never associated the Scary Movie series with movies like Airplane,
played Norbergh (sp?) but was a different actor on the television
Also - the television show was a parady of the episodic shows of
the 70's & 80's - Streets of San Francisco, Kojack, Rockford
Files, etc. Naked Gun was more of a general comedy with some
parody thrown in.
Yep - people just want to get offended now.
Unfortunately you're quite correct. Watch some old Laugh-In episodes. They'd never last in today's world.
Brian Rogers wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-
Unfortunately you're quite correct. Watch some old Laugh-In episodes. They'd never last in today's world.
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in the Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
The interesting thing about All in the Family, people like to mention it
as 'offensive' but Archie was usually the BUTT of the 'issues' and moral discussion. It was actually very progressive, IMO.
HusTler wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in the Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
Dr. What wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Laugh-In was VERY timely.
I remember seeing some episodes when I was a kid and I didn't get some
of the more political jokes. Today, I watch the same episodes and I
still don't get some of the political jokes because the politics of the time are long gone.
What I find interesting is that when they were first broadcast, they
were offensive to the "right". Today they are offensive to the "left".
Brian Rogers wrote to HusTler <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Hello HusTler;
HusTler wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in the Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
Back in the late 60's and 70's we all had much thicker skin and could appreciate
humor for the wit that was used to create it, not for any sort of
hatred that it was NOT intended for.
Today people seem to look for things to hate about just so they can
spread hate while trying to justify their behaviors due to the simple words someone may say.
Boraxman wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I think it's only a minority of people who are thin skinned. The difference is that in the 70's people didn't listen to the crazies, now they do. Companies are bending towards a vocal minority because the mid-wits that staff them are out of touch and don't realise that 10 flouro-haird nutcases on Twitter don't represent the world at large.
Brian Rogers wrote to HusTler <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Hello HusTler;
HusTler wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in the Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
Back in the late 60's and 70's we all had much thicker skin and could appreciate
humor for the wit that was used to create it, not for any sort of hatred that it was NOT intended for.
Today people seem to look for things to hate about just so they can spread hate while trying to justify their behaviors due to the simple words someone may say.
I think it's only a minority of people who are thin skinned. The difference that in the 70's people didn't listen to the crazies, now they do. Companie are bending towards a vocal minority because the mid-wits that staff them ar out of touch and don't realise that 10 flouro-haird nutcases on Twitter don' represent the world at large.
... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
Moondog wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: Boraxman to Brian Rogers on
Fri Oct 29 2021 12:35 pm
Brian Rogers wrote to HusTler <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Hello HusTler;
HusTler wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in the Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
Back in the late 60's and 70's we all had much thicker skin and could appreciate
humor for the wit that was used to create it, not for any sort of hatred that it was NOT intended for.
Today people seem to look for things to hate about just so they can spread hate while trying to justify their behaviors due to the simple words someone may say.
I think it's only a minority of people who are thin skinned. The difference that in the 70's people didn't listen to the crazies, now they do. Companie are bending towards a vocal minority because the mid-wits that staff them ar out of touch and don't realise that 10 flouro-haird nutcases on Twitter don' represent the world at large.
... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
I agree. The thin skinned folks are a small but vocal minority that
not only speak out alot, but also know which channels of coomunication work the best. Prohibition was thought up by a small gorup that was against alcohol, and had larger sponsors such as Henry Ford. No politician would say publicly that they were against prohibition
because that would've been spread through the newspapers and radio, in effect leadign to shame and a primitive form of cancelling.
politician would say publicly that they were against prohibition because that would've been spread through the newspapers and radio, in effect leadign to shame and a primitive form of cancelling.
Who would have thought prohibitionists would look like the way Wokesters look today, but here we are. They are the prohibitionists of the modern era.
Wise man say left and right wings are part of same birdMoondog wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
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Re: Re: state of movies
By: Boraxman to Brian Rogers on
Fri Oct 29 2021 12:35 pm
Brian Rogers wrote to HusTler <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Hello HusTler;
HusTler wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
How did "Laugh-In" get away with that stuff? Then there's All in th Family. These shows would be constantly in the courts.
Back in the late 60's and 70's we all had much thicker skin and coul appreciate
humor for the wit that was used to create it, not for any sort of hatred that it was NOT intended for.
Today people seem to look for things to hate about just so they can spread hate while trying to justify their behaviors due to the simpl words someone may say.
I think it's only a minority of people who are thin skinned. The differe that in the 70's people didn't listen to the crazies, now they do. Compa are bending towards a vocal minority because the mid-wits that staff them out of touch and don't realise that 10 flouro-haird nutcases on Twitter d represent the world at large.
... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
I agree. The thin skinned folks are a small but vocal minority that not only speak out alot, but also know which channels of coomunication work the best. Prohibition was thought up by a small gorup that was against alcohol, and had larger sponsors such as Henry Ford. No politician would say publicly that they were against prohibition because that would've been spread through the newspapers and radio, in effect leadign to shame and a primitive form of cancelling.
Who would have thought prohibitionists would look like the way Wokesters loo today, but here we are. They are the prohibitionists of the modern era.
I have stopped caring whether someone thinks I'm 'bigoted' or not. If you don't care what these people think, they lose power. Instead of debating th trying to debunk them, we should just laugh at them. Laugh and mock and mos importantly, NOT take them seriously.
This is what irks me about conservatives. They take them seriously, they ar with them, which gives them the gravitas they need to survive.
... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
Re: Re: state of movies
By: Boraxman to Moondog on Mon Nov 01 2021 10:08 pm
politician would say publicly that they were against prohibition because that would've been spread through the newspapers and radio, effect leadign to shame and a primitive form of cancelling.
Who would have thought prohibitionists would look like the way Wokesters look today, but here we are. They are the prohibitionists of the modern era.
prohibition was a crock of shit. you could buy old forrester, a whiskey in in some cases you could serve alcohol if it was with food.
Brian Rogers wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Hello Boraxman;
Boraxman wrote to Moondog <=-
Ahh, the Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movies. My favourite comedies. Never have seen Police Squad!, but I'd really like to.
Police Squad! In Color! wasn't a movie series, it was a 30 minute TV series to which it only lasted 6 episodes. Worth watching though!
I'll have to try and find it then! I knew it was a series, but I'm a little surprised it was only 6 episodes. That might explain how it was that I miss it then. You often can find episodes of shows on YouTube, otherwise I'm hap to buy a boxed DVD set. You can't go wrong with ZAZ comedies from that era.
By: Boraxman to Brian Rogers on Thu Sep 23 2021 06:37 pm
Sorry old post. I am behind but I did come across Police Squad for the
Re: Re: state of movies
By: Nopants to Boraxman on Fri Nov 19 2021 02:35 pm
By: Boraxman to Brian Rogers on Thu Sep 23 2021 06:37 pm
Sorry old post. I am behind but I did come across Police Squad for the
Prepare for those who like to complain about necro-posting.
Re: Re: state of movies
By: Nopants to Boraxman on Fri Nov 19 2021 02:35 pm
By: Boraxman to Brian Rogers on Thu Sep 23 2021 06:37 pm
Sorry old post. I am behind but I did come across Police Squad for the
Prepare for those who like to complain about necro-posting.
I don't mind necroposting. I just love complaining about it. Totally different things :-)
I brought the links. Complainers should watch those 9 epiodes of Police Squad and stfu. You're welcome ;)Sorry old post. I am behind but I did come across Police Squad for the
Prepare for those who like to complain about necro-posting.
Re: Re: state of movies
By: Nightfox to Nopants on Fri Nov 19 2021 02:27 pm
Sorry old post. I am behind but I did come across Police Squad for the
Prepare for those who like to complain about necro-posting.
NightfoxI brought the links. Complainers should watch those 9 epiodes of Police Squad and stfu. You're welcome ;)
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