• sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)

    From HotblackDesiato@VERT to rswindell on Sun Aug 11 20:01:00 2024
    I am trying to set up SEXPOTS for my synchronet BBS (time warp back to the 90s...). However, sexpots keeps returning "modem command failure". I am running Debian Bookworm and the U.S. Robotics modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0. The user sbbs is member of the group dialout and has access tot he modem. I can issue modem commands in mincom and I am able to connect to the only remaining dialup BBS in my city. So I confirm that the modem works. I was able to get SEXPOTS to run once yesterday, but since then fails to run (either manually started or via systemd). I rebooted, restarted the modem etc., not sure how I managed to get it to run once. After that only failures.

    Any ideas?

    Here is my sexpots.ini

    LogLevel = INFO ; set display/log output level
    Debug = TRUE ; enable debug logging (overrides LogLevel) PauseOnExit = FALSE ; wait for key-press on exit (non-service)
    CLS = FALSE ; send a form feed (clear screen) before copyright banner
    Prompt =
    PromptTimeout = 60 ; seconds to wait for a remote character after sending prompt (0=infinite)

    Device = /dev/ttyS0 ; COM port device name (or port number)
    BaudRate = 0 ; If non-zero, use this DTE rate (e.g. 115200) Hangup = TRUE ; Hang-up phone after call
    IgnoreDCD = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to ignore state of DCD
    DCDTimeout = 10 ; Seconds to wait for DCD to drop
    DTRDelay = 100 ; Milliseconds to delay before hangup
    NullModem = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to not send AT commands to modem Parity = FALSE ; Use parity (error detection/correction) bit ParityOdd = FALSE ; Use odd (not even) parity for parity calculations ByteSize = 8 ; Number of data bits per byte
    StopBits = 1 ; Number of stop bits per byte

    ;Init = AT&F ; Modem initialization string
    Init = AT&FML1 ; low volume
    AutoAnswer = ATS0=1 ; Put modem into "auto-answer" mode
    CleanUp = ATS0=0 ; When exiting, turn off auto-answer ;EnableCallerID = AT+VCID=1 ; Enable Caller-ID support (or try AT#CID=1) EnableCallerID = AT#CID=1
    Timeout = 5 ; Seconds to wait for a response from modem
    ReInit = 60 ; Minutes of inactivity while waiting for caller before re-initialization
    Answer = ATA ; Answer command
    Ring = RING ; Ring indication (from modem)
    ManualAnswer = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to disable auto-answer and use ring detection/manual answer instead

    Host = localhost ; Hostname or IP address of TCP server
    Port = 23 ; TCP port number of TCP server
    NoDelay = TRUE ; Set to TRUE to disable the Nagle Algorithm
    Telnet = TRUE ; Set to FALSE to disable Telnet mode

    Debug = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to log Telnet commands sent/recv AdvertiseLocation = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to send "WILL SEND LOCATION"
    TermType = SEXPOTS ; You shouldn't normally change this value TermSpeed = 28800,28800 ; Default terminal speed reported (tx, rx bps)

    Enabled = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to enable Ident (RFC1413) server
    Port = 113 ; TCP Port Ident server will listen on
    Interface = 0 ; IP address of network interface (0=Any)
    Response = CALLERID:SEXPOTS ; Resp-type and Add-info portions of response

    I get this when I run SEXPOTS:

    bbs@server:/opt/synchronet/exec$ /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini

    Synchronet External POTS Support/Linux v2.0 Copyright 2024 Rob Swindell

    8/12 10:46:48 Reading /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini
    8/12 10:46:48 Reading /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini
    8/12 10:46:48 Synchronet Communications I/O Library for Linux v1.19
    8/12 10:46:48 Build Aug 10 2024 11:40:02 GCC 12.2.0
    8/12 10:46:48 TCP Host: localhost
    8/12 10:46:48 TCP Port: 23
    8/12 10:46:48 Opening Communications Device (COM Port): /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:48 COM Port device handle: 3
    8/12 10:46:48 COM Port DTE rate: 0 bps
    8/12 10:46:48 Initializing modem:
    8/12 10:46:48 Modem Command: AT&FML1
    8/12 10:46:48 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/12 10:46:53 Modem Response TIMEOUT (5 seconds) on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:53 Retry #1: sending modem command (AT&FML1) on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:53 Dropping DTR on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:53 Raising DTR on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:53 Modem Command: AT&FML1
    8/12 10:46:53 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/12 10:46:58 Modem Response TIMEOUT (5 seconds) on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:58 Retry #2: sending modem command (AT&FML1) on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:58 Dropping DTR on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:58 Raising DTR on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:46:58 Modem Command: AT&FML1
    8/12 10:46:58 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/12 10:47:03 Modem Response TIMEOUT (5 seconds) on /dev/ttyS0
    8/12 10:47:03 Modem command (AT&FML1) failure on /dev/ttyS0 (3 attempts)
    8/12 10:47:03 Cleaning up ...
    8/12 10:47:03 Done (handled 0 calls).

    mincom output (I get TR and CS LEDs on after issuing the two commands):

    sbbs@server:/opt/synchronet/exec$ cat minicom.txt
    Willkommen zu minicom 2.8

    Optionen: I18n
    Port /dev/ttyS0, 10:31:20

    Drcken Sie CTRL-A Z fr Hilfe zu speziellen Tasten

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to HotblackDesiato on Mon Aug 12 10:40:57 2024
    On Sun, 11 Aug 2024 20:01:00 -0700
    "HotblackDesiato" (VERT) <VERT!HotblackDesiato@endofthelinebbs.com>

    I am trying to set up SEXPOTS for my synchronet BBS (time warp back
    to the 90s...). However, sexpots keeps returning "modem command
    failure". I am running Debian Bookworm and the U.S. Robotics modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0. The user sbbs is member of the group dialout
    and has access tot he modem. I can issue modem commands in mincom and
    I am able to connect to the only remaining dialup BBS in my city. So
    I confirm that the modem works. I was able to get SEXPOTS to run once yesterday, but since then fails to run (either manually started or
    via systemd). I rebooted, restarted the modem etc., not sure how I
    managed to get it to run once. After that only failures.

    I'd make sure nothing else is using ttyS0

    fuser /dev/ttyS0

    Your modem config is pretty much the same as mine, and if it works in
    minicom it should be working otherwise. Maybe double check permissions
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    Synchronet End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to HotblackDesiato on Mon Aug 12 17:17:10 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to rswindell on Sun Aug 11 2024 08:01 pm

    I am trying to set up SEXPOTS for my synchronet BBS (time warp back to the 90s...). However, sexpots keeps returning "modem command failure". I am running Debian Bookworm and the U.S. Robotics modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0. The user sbbs is member of the group dialout and has access tot he modem. I can issue modem commands in mincom and I am able to connect to the only remaining dialup BBS in my city. So I confirm that the modem works. I was able to get SEXPOTS to run once yesterday, but since then fails to run (either manually started or via systemd). I rebooted, restarted the modem etc., not sure how I managed to get it to run once. After that only failures.

    Any ideas?

    Here is my sexpots.ini

    LogLevel = INFO ; set display/log output level
    Debug = TRUE ; enable debug logging (overrides LogLevel) PauseOnExit = FALSE ; wait for key-press on exit (non-service)
    CLS = FALSE ; send a form feed (clear screen) before copyright banner
    Prompt =
    PromptTimeout = 60 ; seconds to wait for a remote character after sending prompt (0=infinite)

    Device = /dev/ttyS0 ; COM port device name (or port number)
    BaudRate = 0 ; If non-zero, use this DTE rate (e.g. 115200) Hangup = TRUE ; Hang-up phone after call
    IgnoreDCD = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to ignore state of DCD
    DCDTimeout = 10 ; Seconds to wait for DCD to drop
    DTRDelay = 100 ; Milliseconds to delay before hangup
    NullModem = FALSE ; Set to TRUE to not send AT commands to modem Parity = FALSE ; Use parity (error detection/correction) bit ParityOdd = FALSE ; Use odd (not even) parity for parity calculations ByteSize = 8 ; Number of data bits per byte StopBits = 1 ; Number of stop bits per byte

    ;Init = AT&F ; Modem initialization string
    Init = AT&FML1 ; low volume

    So this would be interpretted as
    &F - factor defaults
    M0 - disable modem speaker
    L1 - set speaker volume to '1'

    L1 and M0 contradict eachother. ATLx is not supported by all modems either.

    Have you tried using a simpler modem init string, like just "ATZ" maybe?
    digital man (rob)

    Steven Wright quote #29:
    To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. Norco, CA WX: 88.1F, 37.0% humidity, 11 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 19:05:19 2024
    Thanks Rob.

    I also tried AT&F as per your example ini file, but have the same issue.

    I even tried an empty Init, no command. Same issue with ATS0=1. This command, as well as AT&F work in minicom.

    Maybe I need a longer timeout?

    I will try ATZ once I am back home.

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to nelgin on Mon Aug 12 19:07:40 2024
    Thanks, I will try this once I am back home.

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to HotblackDesiato on Mon Aug 12 19:10:05 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 2024 07:05 pm

    Thanks Rob.

    I also tried AT&F as per your example ini file, but have the same issue.

    I even tried an empty Init, no command. Same issue with ATS0=1. This command, as well as AT&F work in minicom.

    Maybe I need a longer timeout?

    No, just sounds like a serial port/UART communication issue.
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #21:
    Karl: Coffee makes me nervous when I drink it. Mmm.
    Norco, CA WX: 83.0F, 42.0% humidity, 12 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to nelgin on Mon Aug 12 23:13:01 2024
    Nothing is using /dev/ttyS0

    root@server:/home/sbbs# fuser -a -v /dev/ttyS0

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 23:17:51 2024
    I changed the Init command to "ATZ" and ran sexpots manually after boot. It seems to work (see below). I will test with systemd now.

    sbbs@server:/opt/synchronet/exec$ /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini

    Synchronet External POTS Support/Linux v2.0 Copyright 2024 Rob Swindell

    8/13 14:14:44 Reading /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini
    8/13 14:14:44 Reading /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini
    8/13 14:14:44 Synchronet Communications I/O Library for Linux v1.19
    8/13 14:14:44 Build Aug 10 2024 11:40:02 GCC 12.2.0
    8/13 14:14:44 TCP Host: localhost
    8/13 14:14:44 TCP Port: 23
    8/13 14:14:44 Opening Communications Device (COM Port): /dev/ttyS0
    8/13 14:14:44 COM Port device handle: 3
    8/13 14:14:44 COM Port DTE rate: 0 bps
    8/13 14:14:44 Initializing modem:
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Command: ATZ
    8/13 14:14:44 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Response: OK
    8/13 14:14:44 Setting modem to auto-answer:
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Command: ATS0=1
    8/13 14:14:44 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Response: OK
    8/13 14:14:44 Enabling modem Caller-ID:
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Command: AT#CID=1
    8/13 14:14:44 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    8/13 14:14:44 Modem Response: OK
    8/13 14:14:44 Waiting for incoming call (Carrier Detect) ...

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 23:28:21 2024
    I rebooted with "sexpots.service" enabled. The three LEDS AA, TR, CS were on, but after a few seconds TR went off. systemd gives me inactive status:

    root@server:~# systemctl status sexpots.service
    sexpots.service - SEXPOTS modem support for synchronet
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sexpots.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2024-08-13 14:21:43 +08; 38s ago
    Duration: 15.104s
    Process: 796 ExecStart=/opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 796 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    CPU: 559ms

    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:33 Raising DTR on /dev/ttyS0 Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:33 Modem Command: ATZ
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:33 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:38 Dropping DTR on /dev/ttyS0 Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:38 Raising DTR on /dev/ttyS0 Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:38 Modem Command: ATZ
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:38 Waiting for Modem Response ...
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:43 Cleaning up ...
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server sexpots[796]: 8/13 14:21:43 Done (handled 0 calls).
    Aug 13 14:21:43 server systemd[1]: sexpots.service: Deactivated successfully.

    It seems I am making a mistake in my systemd config file.

    Description=SEXPOTS modem support for synchronet

    ExecStart=/opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini ExecReload=/opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini -live


    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to Digital Man on Tue Aug 13 00:18:09 2024
    I think I have a success, as I was repeatedly able to successfully start it manually. The systemd service also doesn't die:

    This post actually helped me: https://sestar.synchro.net/msgs/msg.ssjs?msg_sub=fido-synchron&message=19258

    I increased the timeout to 15, changed the init string to AT&S1L1 and all baud rates to 57600. sexpots always connects on the 2nd or 3rd try.

    systemctl status sexpots.service
    sexpots.service - SEXPOTS modem support for synchronet
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sexpots.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-08-13 15:10:56 +08; 1min 43s ago
    Main PID: 774 (sexpots)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 9281)
    Memory: 724.0K
    CPU: 5.615s
    CGroup: /system.slice/sexpots.service
    774 /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini

    Aug 13 15:10:56 server systemd[1]: Started sexpots.service - SEXPOTS modem support for synchronet.
    Aug 13 15:11:11 server sexpots[774]: 8/13 15:11:11 Modem Response TIMEOUT (15 seconds) on /dev/ttyS0
    Aug 13 15:11:11 server sexpots[774]: 8/13 15:11:11 Retry #1: sending modem command (AT&S1L1) on /dev/ttyS0
    Aug 13 15:11:26 server sexpots[774]: 8/13 15:11:26 Modem Response TIMEOUT (15 seconds) on /dev/ttyS0
    Aug 13 15:11:26 server sexpots[774]: 8/13 15:11:26 Retry #2: sending modem command (AT&S1L1) on /dev/ttyS0

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to HotblackDesiato on Tue Aug 13 12:04:56 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 2024 11:28 pm

    ExecReload=/opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots /opt/synchronet/exec/sexpots.ini -live

    This doesn't really make sense to me. The '-live' option requires an argument (the communication port handle/descriptor) and it's not used for any "reload" purpose.
    digital man (rob)

    Steven Wright quote #1:
    I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
    Norco, CA WX: 87.5F, 38.0% humidity, 6 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to HotblackDesiato on Tue Aug 13 15:27:37 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 2024 23:17:51


    Weird place to keep a config file. Make friends with your ctrl directory.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    Synchronet electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to echicken on Tue Aug 13 21:38:50 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: echicken to HotblackDesiato on Tue Aug 13 2024 03:27 pm

    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 2024 23:17:51


    Weird place to keep a config file. Make friends with your ctrl directory.

    sexpots doesn't require a Synchronet installation or know anything about the "ctrl" directory. So it's not so unusual. <shrug>
    digital man (rob)

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #13:
    Nigel Tufnel: You can't really dust for vomit.
    Norco, CA WX: 74.5F, 56.0% humidity, 3 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to All on Wed Aug 14 01:10:07 2024
    On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 21:38:50 -0700
    "Digital Man" (VERT) <VERT!Digital.Man@endofthelinebbs.com> wrote:

    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: echicken to HotblackDesiato on Tue Aug 13 2024 03:27 pm

    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Mon Aug 12 2024 23:17:51


    Weird place to keep a config file. Make friends with your ctrl

    sexpots doesn't require a Synchronet installation or know anything
    about the "ctrl" directory. So it's not so unusual. <shrug>

    Right, I have sexpots running out us /usr/local/bin and my config files
    are in /usr/local/etc - it's all separate from my test sbbs
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    Synchronet End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to nelgin on Wed Aug 14 02:37:47 2024
    Re: Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: nelgin to All on Wed Aug 14 2024 01:10:07

    Right, I have sexpots running out us /usr/local/bin and my config files are in /usr/local/etc - it's all separate from my test sbbs installation.

    Yeah, I'm well aware it's a separate thing, it just struck me as odd that the config file was ostensibly in this person's exec directory. *SHRUG*

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    Synchronet electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to echicken on Thu Aug 15 18:45:23 2024
    I agree, it should be in the ctrl folder. I will change that.

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HotblackDesiato@VERT to Digital Man on Thu Aug 15 18:46:24 2024
    OK, thanks. What would be the correct "reload" command, please?

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to HotblackDesiato on Fri Aug 16 14:54:13 2024
    Re: sexpots.ini - modem command failure (TIMEOUT)
    By: HotblackDesiato to Digital Man on Thu Aug 15 2024 06:46 pm

    OK, thanks. What would be the correct "reload" command, please?

    You'd have to stop and restart sexpots for it to reload its .ini file.
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet "Real Fact" #90:
    Synchronet/DSZ "hack" of '93: http://wiki.synchro.net/history:hack93
    Norco, CA WX: 92.9F, 32.0% humidity, 9 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ragnarok@VERT/DOCKSUD to HotblackDesiato on Sun Aug 25 21:37:51 2024
    El 12/8/24 a las 00:01, HotblackDesiato escribi:
    I am trying to set up SEXPOTS for my synchronet BBS (time warp back to the 90s...). However, sexpots keeps returning "modem command failure". I am running
    Debian Bookworm and the U.S. Robotics modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0. The user sbbs is member of the group dialout and has access tot he modem. I can issue modem commands in mincom and I am able to connect to the only remaining dialup BBS in my city. So I confirm that the modem works. I was able to get SEXPOTS to run once yesterday, but since then fails to run (either manually started or via systemd). I rebooted, restarted the modem etc., not sure how I managed to get it to run once. After that only failures.

    I have same behavior, under systemd the modem gots timeouts

    If I use minicom its works whitout problem

    No permissions issues (i run as root) no cable o hardware issues

    can you try to run in a screen or tmux instead of systemd service?
    Synchronet Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar