• odd binkit quirk

    From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to ALL on Wed Jul 14 13:04:00 2021
    Apparently, one of my FTN downlinks managed to get his DNS entry
    accidentally set to So binkit attempts to connect with my own system.

    When it gets to the "evnt BINKIT Authentication successful..." dialog, the session hangs. I figured out at about 1530 this afternoon that I had a
    session hung since sometime around 2300 last night that was preventing
    several other events from executing.

    I tried connecting with the system with binkd. It does not hang but instead checks the akas and realizes it is connected to the wrong system:

    16:53 [18219] BEGIN, binkd/1.1a-99/Linux -P 1:2320/304 -p /sbbs/binkd.cfg
    16:53 [18219] creating a poll for 1:2320/304@fidonet (`d' flavour)
    16:53 [18219] clientmgr started
    $ -d 1:2320/304@fidonet
    + 16:53 [18220] call to 1:2320/304@fidonet
    16:53 [18220] trying binkp.manic-modem.com []:24554...
    16:53 [18220] connected
    + 16:53 [18220] outgoing session with binkp.manic-modem.com:24554 []
    - 16:53 [18220] OPT CRAM-MD5-14ce727ee69615b6b26dba86ecd36d67 CRYPT
    + 16:53 [18220] Remote requests MD mode
    + 16:53 [18220] Remote requests CRYPT mode
    - 16:53 [18220] SYS Capitol City Online
    - 16:53 [18220] ZYZ Mike Powell
    - 16:53 [18220] LOC Kentucky, USA
    - 16:53 [18220] NDL 115200,TCP,BINKP
    - 16:53 [18220] TIME Wed Jul 14 2021 16:53:38 GMT-0400 (EDT)
    - 16:53 [18220] VER BinkIT/2.41,JSBinkP/4,sbbs3.18c/Linux binkp/1.1
    + 16:53 [18220] addr: 1:2320/105@fidonet
    + 16:53 [18220] addr: 1:2320/0@fidonet
    + 16:53 [18220] addr: 21:1/175@fsxnet (n/a or busy)
    + 16:53 [18220] addr: 42:17/1@sfnet (n/a or busy)
    ? 16:53 [18220] called 1:2320/304@fidonet, but remote has no such AKA
    + 16:53 [18220] done (to 1:2320/304@fidonet, failed, S/R: 0/0 (0/0 bytes))
    16:53 [18220] session closed, quitting...
    16:53 [18219] rc(18220)=0
    16:53 [18219] the queue is empty, quitting...

    That is not something I would expect happens too often but thought I should point it out.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Cheer leaders do it cheerfully.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP