• Telnet/Terminal Question

    From Rickles@VERT to All on Mon Apr 19 11:44:00 2021
    OK, something ridiculously silly...

    I setup a RasPi 4 to be sort of a portable communications device and had a bit of fun doing it.

    I am unable to get Qodem to compile (supposedly supports Zmodem as it did years ago). I wanted to stick with the old school terminal feel.

    Telnet works just fine, but how can I transfer QWK files up and down in another way? I'd love the old school feel of a terminal package, but I'm striking out finidng anything.

    I can "download" QWK via an email attachment, which works, but how can I send it back up? (Scary part, I ran a Synchronet BBS about 15 years or so ago).



    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Rickles@VERT to Rickles on Mon Apr 19 12:35:00 2021
    Plot thickens... Found SyncTerm, was able to get it to compile fine.

    It needs to run under sudo permissions, but I can look at that later.

    Download QWK seems to work as it should, ownership issue (see permissions above). Once permissions are set it opens fine in multimail (mm).

    Uploading QWK fails on Vertrauen side, "Can't Extract". I'll try and get a
    more detailed error after dinner.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net