• Spring Radio Club of Amer

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed May 5 17:00:00 2021

    The semiannual Radio Club of America (RCA) QSO Party[1] takes place on May 8. "Band conditions are still not their best but we still expect plenty of QSOs," RCA[2] Executive Vice President Chip Cohen, W1YW, said. "Come join the fun and contact other club hams and the club's station, W2RCA. All are welcome." The QSO party is open to RCA members and non-members and is SSB only. Activity begins at 1800 UTC and continues until Sunday, May 9, at 0300 UTC. Suggested frequencies are 14.280, 7.240, and 3.800 MHz.

    [1] https://rca.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=4002&club_id=500767&item_id=1434353
    [2] https://radioclubofamerica.org/

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