• ARRL CEO David Minster, N

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Feb 23 16:47:00 2021

    ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, will keynote the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo[1] March 13 - 14 weekend. Minster's talk - part of an 80+ speaker lineup[2] - will begin at 2000 UTC (3 PM EST) on March 13. His appearance will highlight ARRL's featured role at the Expo, which also will include "Ask The ARRL Lab." ARRL is a QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Partner.

    Minster, who assumed the ARRL Headquarters leadership position last September, has launched major projects and assembled teams to foster innovation and individual skill development in radio technology and communications. In his keynote, Minster will share his enthusiasm for advancing amateur radio and highlight current ARRL initiatives to engage and inspire the current generation of hams. His presentation topics will include:

    o ARRL's digital transformation, which promises to bring new value to ARRL members. An all-in digital approach will improve the way members access and engage with content, programs, and systems.

    o The ARRL Learning Center, a hub for members to discover the many facets of amateur radio and develop practical knowledge and skills.

    o Increasing video content, opening opportunities for amateur radio content creators and member-volunteers to learn, stay informed, and keep connected.

    o Improving training and tools to engage radio clubs, emergency communication volunteers, and students.

    The ARRL Expo booth will feature "Ask the ARRL Lab," where Lab staffers will answer questions live. Attendees can come into the booth lounge (featuring the Expo's latest virtual meet-up and video technology), sit down at a virtual table, and ask ARRL Lab technical wizards for tips about projects or suggestions to address various station installations and problems. Attendees can also learn about Product Review equipment testing by the Lab, see a presentation on how the Lab can help hams with RFI problems, and tour W1AW - the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station - virtually. ARRL booth staff will also point attendees to helpful resources from across membership benefits, services, and programs.

    Representing the ARRL Lab will be Lab Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI; Test Engineer Bob Allison, WB1GCM; Senior Laboratory Engineer Zack Lau, W1VT; RFI Engineer Paul Cianciolo, W1VLF, and W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q. Between all of them, they have over 100 years of experience at ARRL Headquarters,

    QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Chairman Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, also announced four live group kit-building workshops. Workshop instructors will guide participants through building a variety of kits, which will be available for purchase and delivered prior to the Expo so attendees can build them at home. Attendees unable to participate during the live sessions can order and build kits by watching the workshop videos during the on-demand period that follows the Expo through April 12.

    Workshop kits prices range from $15 to $30. Early-bird discount tickets and links to purchase kits can be found at the QSO Today Expo website[3]. These workshops will include:

    o Building the NS-40 QRP Transmitter, a 14-component, 5 W transmitter for 7.030 MHz (with instructors David Cripe, NM0S, and Virginia Smith, NV5F).

    o The Learn-to-Solder Workshop will introduce the basic tools and techniques of building electronic kits. Participants will build a 20-meter transmitter kit (with instructors Rex Harper, W1REX, and Stephen Houser, N1SH).

    o Building the Cric-Key, a simple CW keyer with paddle, suitable for home and field use (with instructor Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB).

    o The Mini-Sudden Receiver, a pocket-and-mint-tin friendly direct-conversion 20-meter receiver (with instructors Rex Harper, W1REX, and Stephen Houser, N1SH).ÿ ÿÿ

    [1] https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/
    [2] https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/speakers.html
    [3] https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/build-a-thons.html

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