Volunteer Monitor Program Report for July 2022
QST on Wed Aug 17 09:31:49 2022
The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. This is the July 2022 activity report of the VM Program.
Notices for unlicensed operation on 2-meter amateur frequencies were sent to two logging companies in Kettle Falls, Washington.
Commendations were issued to amateurs in Poughkeepsie, New York, for work in conducting the community daily bulletin board on the 146.97 MHz Mt. Beacon repeater, and Roslyn, Pennsylvania, for work with the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club, and involving the club in MESH and Field Day operations.
A commendation was issued to an operator in Columbia, South Carolina, for facilitating amateur involvement in the Richland County Emergency Operations Center and assisting amateurs in completing CERT programs.
A Technician-class operator in Martinez, California and a General-class operator in Trenton, New Jersey were issued notices for FT8 operation on 40- and 20-meter frequencies outside their license privileges.
General-class operators in Massapequa, New York, and Trenton, New Jersey, were issued notices for SSB operation on 14.201 and 21.270 MHz. General-class operators have no voice privileges below 14.225 and 21.275 MHz.
An operator in Indian Hills, California received a notice for unlicensed operation on 144.390 MHz simplex APRS during a high-altitude balloon operation. The FCC had canceled his license over a year before the flight.
The final totals for VM monitoring during June 2022 were 1,676 hours on HF frequencies, and 2,099 hours on VHF frequencies and above, for a total of 3,775 hours. -Thanks to Volunteer Monitor Administrator Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH
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