• ITU Celebrates 2022 World Amateur Radio Day

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Apr 21 16:21:09 2022

    In recognition of World Amateur Radio Day, held on April 18, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) published articles and social media posts highlighting various facets of ham radio. This included an ITU News interview[1] with Philipp Springer, DK6SP, Chair of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Youth Working Group, and the article[2], "How to become a radio 'ham' in the digital era," by Nick Sinanis, SV3SJ, ITU Study Group Advisor and head of the ITU radio station, 4U1ITU.

    Springer, age 24, earned his ham radio license when he was 9 years old. In his interview with ITU News, he explained the variety of operating techniques and social connections is part of what motivates young people to become active in ham radio in an increasingly digital world. "It's technical parts like experimenting with radio science, soldering, developing, and building electronics, in practice and not just theory," he said. "Secondly, it's [the] social part: we are connecting with other communities, meeting radio operators from all around the world. Lastly, we connect with other cultures: we practice foreign languages, visit other countries, and get on the air at so-called 'expeditions.'" Springer is also featured in an ITU video on YouTube[3].

    In his article, Sinanis explained that "ITU plays a key role in amateur radio by overseeing the standardization and regulatory processes of the radiocommunication sector (ITU-R), with special emphasis on its utility in emergency communications." The ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) contributes to the work of the ITU as a Sector Member. World Amateur Radio Day marks the annual anniversary of the IARU, formed in Paris on April 18, 1925.

    The ITU also celebrated World Amateur Radio Day via posts on Twitter:











    -- Thanks to Dave Sumner, K1ZZ

    [1] https://www.itu.int/hub/2022/04/young-radio-amateurs-philipp-springer-yota/ [2] https://www.itu.int/hub/2022/04/how-to-become-a-radio-ham-in-the-digital-era/
    [3] https://youtu.be/hh5MttDszqM
    [4] https://twitter.com/ITUradiocomms/status/1515964908894142470
    [5] https://twitter.com/ITU/status/1515967346334179336
    [6] https://twitter.com/ITUradiocomms/status/1516077442850557953
    [7] https://twitter.com/ITUradiocomms/status/1516394912509530118
    [8] https://twitter.com/ITU/status/1516392416558862343

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