• Flu SHot?

    From Hustler@VERT to All on Sun Oct 17 08:53:00 2021
    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this year I'm staying clear of it. With all this talk about what works and don't work blah blah blah, I've decided nobody knows shit. It's all an "educated guess". If you aren't getting have you gotten in the past? How do you feel about "the flu shot" now?
    Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to Hustler on Sun Oct 17 11:07:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Hustler to All on Sun Oct 17 2021 12:53 pm

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this year I'm staying clear of it. With all this talk about what works and don't work blah blah blah, I've decided nobody knows shit. It's all an "educated guess". If you aren't getting have you gotten in the past? How do you feel about "the flu shot" now? HusTler Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    I think I'll skip the flu shot this year, I have enough poison in my veins from the covid vaxx.

    ... YTERM - A terminal program for queries.

    þ Synchronet þ outwestbbs.com - the Outwest BBS
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to Denn on Sun Oct 17 17:48:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Denn to Hustler on Sun Oct 17 2021 03:07 pm

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this

    I think I'll skip the flu shot this year, I have enough poison in my veins from the covid vaxx.

    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with (Twice) and now they want a third one. Prrrrr. Enough is Enough. I'm surrounded by people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to answer my questions. Sure, I'm going in for a third shot for the abuse. I think NOT!

    ... Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the crap.

    þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to HusTler on Sun Oct 17 17:12:00 2021
    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with (Twice) and now they want a third one. Prrrrr. Enough is Enough. I'm surrounded by
    people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to answer my questions. Sure, I'm going in for a third shot for the abuse.
    I think NOT!

    They're just fine until they're the %5 that are affected more harshly by covid than the rest. Obese, diabetes, heart issues or otherwise - more than one friends of mine on FB- not close, but people that I've known throughout life - have posts on their FB about the FDA can't be trusted, other anti-vaxx misinformation and rants about vaccines... until they ask questions like 'those of you who've had covid, do the symptoms get worse before they get better?' and then some days with nothing, before a gofundme pops up... 'donate to support XXX XXXXXX thru their fight w/ covid' and then the condolences start coming thru. And posts that they didnt only lose XXX XXXXXX but that their mother passed away, too - in the same week.

    I'm glad that you're vaxxed - I support the RIGHTS of those who don't want to take the poke - but I really wish the misinformation would cease. I know from experience that life can - and does... but yer right, most of us will be part of the 95% that aren't affected. If it were poker, I'd go all-in too.

  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to HusTler on Sun Oct 17 19:04:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: HusTler to Denn on Sun Oct 17 2021 09:48 pm

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but

    I think I'll skip the flu shot this year, I have enough poison in my
    veins from the covid vaxx.

    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with (Twice) and now they want a third one. Prrrrr. Enough is Enough. I'm surrounded by people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to answer my questions. Sure, I'm going in for a third shot for the abuse. I think NOT!

    At my work we have about a 60% vax rate, when someone gets covid they have to quarentine for 10 days before they can return.
    The unvaccinated have to wear a mask all day, some vaccinated people still wear masks as well, I choose no mask.

    ... Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the crap.

    Cursed are they who wear masks, for they shall have to smell their own breath all day.

    þ Synchronet þ outwestbbs.com - the Outwest BBS
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Hustler on Sun Oct 17 23:14:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Hustler to All on Sun Oct 17 2021 12:53 pm

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this year I'm
    staying clear of it. With all this talk about what works and don't work blah blah
    blah, I've decided nobody knows shit. It's all an "educated guess". If you aren't
    getting have you gotten in the past? How do you feel about "the flu shot" now?
    Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    My mother used to say that the only winter she got the flu was the winter she took a
    flu shot :-)

    I would probably have it if I was 60+ years old, but as of now I don't think the trip
    to get it is worth the effort for me since I am a young, healthy horse dude.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to paulie420 on Sun Oct 17 23:31:00 2021
    Re: Re: Flu SHot?
    By: paulie420 to HusTler on Sun Oct 17 2021 09:12 pm

    have posts on their FB about the FDA can't be trusted, other anti-vaxx
    misinformation and rants [...]

    Something that should be clear as of now is that authorities are full of crap, no
    matter how you look at it.

    1) If meds require years worth of testing in order to be declared safe, to the point
    we have delayed the distribution of meds and treatments because they are pending
    approval, under the idea that distributing an untested med or treatment is EXTREMELY
    dangerous, then FDA and its equivalents overseas are full of crap because they are
    recommending things for which the laboratories themselves have not finished testing
    (and have thus far declared that they are not releasing more data on their research
    until they are finished).

    2) If it is safe to deploy meds or treatments without years worth of testing, then the
    FDA and its overseas equivalents are full of shit because their regulations have
    delayed the distribution of a whole lot of stuff which has been forced to stay in
    testing labs for years while they could have been released to save lives.

    So yeah, let the rants begin, because they deserve it.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Mon Oct 18 04:52:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: HusTler to Denn on Sun Oct 17 2021 09:48 pm

    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with (Twice) and now they want a third one. Prrrrr. Enough is Enough. I'm surrounded by people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to answer my questions. Sure, I'm going in for a third shot for the abuse. I think NOT!

    it's possible they didnt even store those delicate vaccines correctly and they didn't work due to being in room temp.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to paulie420 on Mon Oct 18 04:38:00 2021
    Hello paulie420!

    ** On Sunday 17.10.21 - 21:12, paulie420 wrote to HusTler:

    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with
    (Twice) and now they want a third one. Prrrrr. Enough is
    Enough. I'm surrounded by people that didn't get
    vaccinated and are just fine. [...]

    They're just fine until they're the %5 that are affected
    more harshly by covid than the rest. Obese, diabetes, heart
    issues or otherwise [...]

    OK, then why not just have mandates or strict encouragement for
    the latter types? Most people sail out of covid (most often
    it may just be *just* a seasonal flu which gets lumped in as

    [...] and then some days with nothing, before a gofundme
    pops up... 'donate to support XXX XXXXXX thru their fight
    w/covid' and then the condolences start coming thru. And
    posts that they didnt only lose XXX XXXXXX but that their
    mother passed away, too - in the same week.

    I am experiencing a "days with nothing" from a handful of
    friends whom I know took the shots. We had fairly steady comms
    over email for months, and now nothing. So, I am guessing that
    they are in much worse condition now since taking the shots.

    A 2nd cousin of mine took the shots due to mandates for
    attending university. A few weeks later, she developed a
    persistent cough and discomfort so bad that she was encouraged
    to seek medical attention. She was not even allowed to see a Dr
    personally! They just asked her a few questions over a video
    call and told her she did *not* have covid. They didn't even
    test her.

    So.. here is just one case where young people are double-
    vaxx'd, develop a flu, and never get medically tested - but
    instead get brushed off to "sit it out" and never get
    documented as a "problem" from having been covid-vaxx'd.

    I'm glad that you're vaxxed - I support the RIGHTS of those
    who don't want to take the poke - but I really wish the
    misinformation would cease. I know from experience that
    life can - and does... but yer right, most of us will be
    part of the 95% that aren't affected. If it were poker, I'd
    go all-in too.

    I think the naysayers/media were simply too quick to label
    other info as misinformation. Note, they never used the term
    "false" inormation. I don't think the counter arguments or
    concerns even had a fair chance to be addressed. There was
    just a broad process to cut people's questions off and label
    every other info that seemed contrary to the pro-covid-vaxx
    narrative as misinformation.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Mon Oct 18 06:13:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: MRO to HusTler on Mon Oct 18 2021 08:52 am

    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: HusTler to Denn on Sun Oct 17 2021 09:48 pm

    I hear that. I have no idea what they injected me with (Twice) and now they wan
    third one. Prrrrr. Enough is Enough. I'm surrounded by people that didn't get
    vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots
    were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to answer my questions. Sure, I'm going in
    for a third shot for the abuse. I think NOT!

    it's possible they didnt even store those delicate vaccines correctly and they didn
    work due to being in room temp.

    This is a concern I have voiced more than once around here.

    You cannot keep people from storing meds worth thousands out of the refrigerator
    despite the fact the boxes read "FOR COLD STORAGE, KEEP COLD" and variants of such. If
    you cannot ensure that a cold chain of 4§C is respected, I wonder how can a -80 §C

    We have had some dead on arrival batches of meds for this very reason so I doubt the
    capability of Spanish logistics to be any different with other things.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Mon Oct 18 06:17:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Ogg to paulie420 on Mon Oct 18 2021 08:38 am

    So.. here is just one case where young people are double-
    vaxx'd, develop a flu, and never get medically tested - but
    instead get brushed off to "sit it out" and never get
    documented as a "problem" from having been covid-vaxx'd.

    Wow, just like in the early months of the pandemic in Spain.

    You are becoming a Mediterranean culture. Watch out, or you will develop a liking for
    gazpacho, corruption, flamenco and deflating COVID stats.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to MRO on Mon Oct 18 10:01:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: MRO to HusTler on Mon Oct 18 2021 08:52 am

    people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to

    it's possible they didnt even store those delicate vaccines correctly and they didn't work due to being in room temp.

    That was one of the questions I asked and the nurse got all "pissy" with me. So yeah. I'm not running back to get a third injection.

    ... Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.

    þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to Hustler on Mon Oct 18 11:27:00 2021
    Hustler wrote to All <=-

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this year I'm staying clear of it. With all this talk about what works and don't work blah blah blah, I've decided nobody knows shit. It's all an "educated guess". If you aren't getting have you gotten in the past?
    How do you feel about "the flu shot" now?

    I've gotten the flu shot for the last 20 years at least.

    But my trust in the health industry has dropped so low that I simply can't trust them with a flu shot.

    ... Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of woman scorned!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to Ogg on Mon Oct 18 14:19:00 2021
    I think the naysayers/media were simply too quick to label
    other info as misinformation. Note, they never used the term
    "false" inormation. I don't think the counter arguments or
    concerns even had a fair chance to be addressed. There was
    just a broad process to cut people's questions off and label
    every other info that seemed contrary to the pro-covid-vaxx
    narrative as misinformation.

    I agree with that peoples choice is paramount - this is America. I do wish that... well, I'd normally say that I wish people were more intelligent and really thought this through w/o thinking that they are left, pussy sheeps for taking a vaccine - but... I'll just say that - the misinformation I'm talking about is exactly that. And theres a lot of it. I don't think any intelligent human could see - no, thats wrong too Paulie. Intelligent humans are getting duped by idiotic false articles.

    Blah - I support your right to choose not to be vaccinated.
    You freaking idiot.

  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Mon Oct 18 14:52:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Monday 18.10.21 - 10:17, Arelor wrote to Ogg:

    So.. here is just one case where young people are double-
    vaxx'd, develop a flu, and never get medically tested [...]

    Wow, just like in the early months of the pandemic in Spain.

    You are becoming a Mediterranean culture. Watch out, or you
    will develop a liking for gazpacho, corruption, flamenco
    and deflating COVID stats.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Mon Oct 18 17:49:00 2021
    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: HusTler to MRO on Mon Oct 18 2021 02:01 pm

    Re: Flu SHot?
    By: MRO to HusTler on Mon Oct 18 2021 08:52 am

    people that didn't get vaccinated and are just fine. Not only that, the bitches that gave me the shots were fu*%ckin rude, cold and too busy to

    it's possible they didnt even store those delicate vaccines correctly and they didn't work due to being in room temp.

    That was one of the questions I asked and the nurse got all "pissy" with me. So yeah. I'm not running back to get a third injection.

    in my city a guy left it out to expire in room temp on purpose. how many other people did this? probably a lot. probably even more once they heard he did it.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to Dr. What on Tue Oct 19 11:20:00 2021
    Re: Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Dr. What to Hustler on Mon Oct 18 2021 03:27 pm

    Is anyone getting the "flu shot" this year? I usually get it but this

    I've gotten the flu shot for the last 20 years at least.

    But my trust in the health industry has dropped so low that I simply can't trust them with a flu shot.

    That's exactly how I feel. I'm not sure who is causing the mistrust, the medical community or the misinformed, uneducated public. The medical community really hasn't done much to gain back any trust I did have. In fact I just stopped seeing my doctor because I won't go for any type of testing so I figure it's kinda pointless to see him. I'll just wait until something serious
    happens and then just go to the ER or call 911. People in healthcare and law enforcement are quiting their jobs because getting vaxed is now mandetory. What a freaking nighmare. It's like a SC-Fi movie.

    þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Tue Oct 19 17:55:00 2021
    Re: Re: Flu SHot?
    By: HusTler to Dr. What on Tue Oct 19 2021 03:20 pm

    That's exactly how I feel. I'm not sure who is causing the mistrust, the medical community or the misinformed, uneducated public. The medical

    the public has been misinformed and educated wrongly by the people in charge of this pandemic.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to HUSTLER on Wed Oct 20 05:00:00 2021
    Quoting Hustler to Dr. What <=-

    That's exactly how I feel. I'm not sure who is causing the mistrust,
    the medical community or the misinformed, uneducated public.

    It's a combination of several things:
    1. We are waking up to the fact that many people that are considered
    "experts" aren't, but rather Leftie shills. ex: Fauci
    2. The Hospitals have long been beholden to the gov't for many reasons (licensing, funding, etc.). So if the gov't says "you have to do
    <this>" then the hospitals have to do it and the hospital administrators
    will silence any of their staff that speaks out against that.
    3. The Propaganda Ministry piles on to that by fanning the

    medical community really hasn't done much to gain back any trust I did have. In fact I just stopped seeing my doctor because I won't go for
    any type of testing so I figure it's kinda pointless to see him.

    My doctor recently pushed the not-vaccine so it sort of hurt my trust in
    him - especially since he did nothing but quote the Propaganda numbers
    from the CDC. I'd like to just stop going, but I have to get a blood
    pressure check every 6 months to get my medicine (a genetic gift from
    my great-grandfather). So I'm sort of stuck there. 8(

    ... BEWARE - Tagline Thief in this echo
    ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30

    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to Dr. What on Fri Oct 22 03:15:00 2021
    Re: Re: Flu SHot?
    By: Dr. What to HUSTLER on Wed Oct 20 2021 09:00 am

    My doctor recently pushed the not-vaccine so it sort of hurt my trust in
    him - especially since he did nothing but quote the Propaganda numbers
    from the CDC. I'd like to just stop going, but I have to get a blood pressure check every 6 months to get my medicine (a genetic gift from
    my great-grandfather). So I'm sort of stuck there. 8(

    I hear you. The entire medical community are a bunch of lost souls. Just find a Doctor that sees things your way. I don't let me Doctor dictate what I want and need. I tell him what I want and need. If he disagrees I find another Doctor. Medicine is a business these days. Trusting your health care provider is not in the equation.

    |04 HusTler

    ... Nothing matters very much, and very few things matter at all.

    þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)